Friday, 28 February 2014

Now It's Friday

Now It's Friday

And we've made some progress

This week, we've basically been working on SK3 as well as helping out with the mechanical team on Solar Templar. On Wednesday we had a few people from Bombardier come over and look at the SK3 canopy for us. We got a lot of really good advice and they're gonna help us re-wire and figure some stuff out. Next week we'll hopefully be able to finish the plug for the SK3 canopy.
The flipped SK3 canopy

The plug

Monday, 24 February 2014

It's Monday

It's Moday

Time to get back to work

Well, we got the I-beams donated to us today. We will start to compare the metal types of the panel we took apart, with the new I-beams to see which one weighs more, and how much of a weight difference it will make.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Ending the Week

Ending the Week

With some progress

So far so good. We were able to accomplish some of the goals planned out for the week. The list for the things needed is underway. We were able to find a bigger fan for SK2, so that the batteries can get in more air than before. Also as seen below, we were dismounting old T.V.'s from the carts. In addition, the beams needed for "Solar Templar" was donated to us, hoping all goes well, it should be in by the beginning of next week.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Taking Inventory

Taking Inventory

We need stuff.

This week we're gonna be mostly focused on getting everything we need for the electrical parts of the car. We recently got a pretty nice donation offering to buy a lot of the things we need so we've decided to get a list together of whatever we could use. In addition, I've been working a bit on the fiberglass SK3 canopy. We're working on making the plug out of styrofoam right now. Hopefully both projects will coincide well.
Finding stuff.

Styrofoam grave site...

Friday, 14 February 2014

Ending the Week

Ending the Week

Progress was made

This week we were able to find out the different electrical properties of the electrical components we will be using. This week we were also able to get the plates cut out and mounted to the new solar car.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Increasing the Efficiency

Increasing the Efficiency

Proper Equipment

This week our main goal is to increase the efficiency of the car by having proper wires, and other electrical components. We will be looking to replace the parts that were used on the current SK2 to enhance the power output.

Friday, 7 February 2014

End of the Week

End of the Week

Some progress Made

Well as mentioned before we were able to take apart the solar panel, and we checked the cells. Everything is working fine, we are getting good readings, except for one cell thats broken. The good news is that the plates have been cut into design, we're just waiting for it to be delivered.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Checking Cells

Checking Cells

And waiting for plates...

This week, we're gonna still be waiting on those metal plates to mount the back wheel. We took apart the solar panel we brought in so that we can rebuild it but some of the cells are cracked or bad so we'll have to check those and make sure we have what we need. Here's hoping we'll be ok. 
Taking apart the panel somewhat haphazardly...