We Have a Steering Wheel
So far this week we have put a steering wheel on, finished drilling the holes for the charge controller, and gathered a few electrical pieces. Now it's time to find bolts to keep the charge controller on the car and figure out what these electrical pieces actually do. It's coming together pretty well but we're definitely nearing crunch time. It's time to get SK2 on its feet (or wheels) so we can start building SK2.Whoa/SK4 (I'm still not sure what the actually name of this thing is going to be). The mechanical team will hopefully be hooking up the steering wheel and mounting the tires soon and then it's really up to us over here in electrical to get everything hooked up and running. Hopefully we'll actually know what it is that we're doing. Fingers crossed.
The car with the little purple steering wheel in the front and all of our electrical bits in the back. |